
Nov 15, 2009

Our next class

For someone who took such pride in their scrapbooking my photos of class examples could only be described as naff at best!!!! (Note to self...spend more time on example photos) This is next weeks class (Friday 20th Nov). We will be making two cards, another variation of a gift card holder (and with Xmas coming up these will be very handy!) and a little mini chocolate usual we will do another bonus project...something fun...when I think of it lol. I have to say our classes are beginning to grow in number since we introduced the bring a buddy system....two new ladies last week...although poor Michelle wasn't used to late nights and needed to go nigh nigh...she assures me she will have a nanna nap this week before she comes. I would like to thank the ladies who have become my regulars, your support means so much to me. Two of my regulars earn their free class this week..yay for Becky and Kylie!!! 
I must mention that because we are starting to grow I will need definate bookings at least by Friday morning so I can have enough packs prepared for isn't as simple as waving a magic wand and poof!!! everything is cut up...I have to spend hours slaving over my trimmer..poor me!
Stay tuned for the next class on the's so cool!! Some cute little gift ideas I will post a pic within the next few days..catch you later

1 comment:

  1. i loved making these christmas cards. i have had many comments on them. had heaps of fun at the class. thanks bev!!!


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