
Feb 17, 2010

Card Tote

I wasn't happy with my previous post for my card tote so I am starting again. This is based on a tutorial by Julie Buhler..I had to change all the dimensions so the envelopes would fit. I have used EnFrancais for the background and Petal Pizzazz for the flower
                This is a side view showing the pockets inside which hold four cards and envelopes
I stuck to simple designs for the cards....This would make a great little present and I had so much fun doing it. My first version which was too short for the envelopes now had some sweet smelling scented thingos inside it and will give it away as a lucky door prize.
I am putting myself to bed now, big day at work tomorrow


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From one Gold Coaster to another - a great big "Hi" - have just come across your site at Top 50 blogs - I love your card tote really fun and pretty, you've done a great job!!! NIcely done ...


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