
May 8, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

ok , now I am just being spoilt! Petronela nominated me for a Beautiful Blog Award. I met Petronella only recently at a get together of Gold Coast demonstrators...she is immensely talented so please pop over to her blog and look at her fabulous work. Now it seems I have to tell you a few things about myself...try and stay awake!
1. I have two different sized is size 8 one is size 9...needless to say I would rather poke needles in my eye rather than go shoe shopping.
2. I am married with three daughters and three grand pink rules
3. I have daggy taste in music...I loooove Roy Orbison..he has the voice of an angel.
4. I have three brothers and three sisters and we are all so completely different
5. I love kids birthday parties!! I am soon to be a pirate at my grand daughters sea themed birthday party and shall be doing aarrrgghhhts and crafts
6. My family and friends tease me because I have big gnarly man hands...can still tie pretty bows so who cares!
7. I suck at soduku puzzles
8. I can't kick the smoking habit...I need intervention...seriously...
9. I once asked my husband how many quarters there were in an AFL match...he needs to let that one go
10. I am a shocking driver with many driving phobias including highways (don't go on them ) , roundabouts (if in doubt just plant your foot) overtaking (30km an hour is fine, I will just stay behind the truck),  merging ( don'*t) get the idea
so now I would like to pass this award onto a lovely lady I met recently at a get together at Petronela.s..her name is Lesley Annabel and she needs to update her blog lol


  1. I've been try to design a wedding card and I havent had much luck with what shape i'd make it. Your bog is a big help! Thank you for the ideas!

  2. Bev - I just read your 10 things you didn't know about me and nearly fell off my chair laughing at number 10. Completely agree on all accounts!!!

  3. well bev thank you for the nice things you said about me ... and I am trying to get the blog thing happening ............. your blog looks great

  4. what a wonderful lady you are! and the emphasis is on lady.
    you have a wonderful and caring heart and the world is a much better place for you being in it!!
    ps. how many 1/4's are there by the way??


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