
May 19, 2010

Can anyone help me with a good cause???

Last week I watched a documentary on T.V. about the Agape Children's Home in Chieng Mai Thailand. It was founded by Roy and Avis Rideout in 1996 to care for HIV orphans...I reckon most times I am a tough old bird but I was in tears as I watched this story unfold. I am not religious or a do fact a lot of the time I am not even nice!!...But seeing those little faces haunted me.
Here is a little exerpt I found on their website...
A 2 year old baby girl lay alone on a bamboo mat in a government orphanage in Northern Thailand, 11 years ago. She had been abandoned in the “AIDS room”. Her medical chart read: “bploi wai dtaai: Leave her to die”. In a country that ostracizes those living with HIV, one extraordinary woman, Avis Rideout, was determined to prove that through loving and caring for those rejected and abandoned due to HIV, it is the incredible power of love that can and is… Saving lives

Anyway the Agape home was founded and the work they do with these kids is truly wonderful.
Here is a link to their website ...please go have a look
I have watched sad shows before but by the next day I have usually forgotten all about it. This I just couldn't get this out of my mind and since I am not very rich at the moment (read that as dead broke!) I sent an email asking if these would have any use for home made cards...within a couple of hours I received this response
Dear Bev

Thanks so much for your kind words. We have had some wonderfully encouraging e-mails over the last few days and are really grateful that people take the time to write.

Your suggestion of making cards for the kids would be WONDERFUL. We celebrate each and every one of the children’s birthdays and we always make up a simple card on our computer (when the printer is working – which is not very often these days). It would be great to have some cards that we could use. We have 79 children at the moment so there are birthdays every month!!! The kids just love celebrating their birthday… is their day for feeling really special

Thanks again Bev.


This is where you guys can help me if you would like to . I am trying to get together 200 cards to send to Agape...mainly childrens birthday cards from tots to teens...(but also some adult ones as they employ nannies, a lot of them also HIV positive)....and maybe a few thankyou cards would come in handy as well...I was thinking of sticking to cards that will fit into standard c6 envelopes so I can get cheap ones to keep costs down. If you are a Stampin up demo who runs classes maybe you could ask your ladies if they would like to donate some cards?? or any other card makers out there who could spare a few??..I would be so grateful for any help... My regular class ladies have volunteered to help me out. (thankyou )
If you would like to send some cards just email me at and I will give you my postal details...Once I have all the cards I need I will post them in one bulk package...I have also contacted some local businesses to see if any of them will donate a printer...haven't heard yet but will keep you posted.

Ok off my soap box here are some of the things I have made this week.
First up is some picnic hamper thingos I made with a template I purchased online by Lauren Meander
and a top view ..

and some more including a mini version we will be making in class

..and a teeny tiny little tool has seen better days, it has been handled so many times it's looking a bit munted lol
Thanks everyone for stopping by


  1. how i wish i lived closer to you to come to some of your classes..i desperately need to make that gorgeous little picnic hamper..ok..not desperately, but OMG Bev, it's so gorgeous..i love it and i want it..*stamps feet*

  2. Hi Bev .... what a very thoughtful and lovely gesture. Please count me in I would love to donate some cards for your cause. I will send you an email as I have already to go.

    Love your baskets and the tool box, they look beatiful ... well done and all the best for your class ... your ladies are going to be so impressed!!!

  3. Hi Bev...I am a fellow demo on the Gold Coast and a friend of Tui's and I am too happy to donate some cards for you to send to these children!!!! FANTASTIC thing you are doing!!!


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