
Dec 20, 2009

Punch Art Gift Card Holders

I have just finished making the last of my gift card holders for Christmas..yippee!! I came across some lovely punch art as I was browsing the internet and did actually write down the names of the people I cased...however an accident with a camera cord (as in it brushed against my leg, I thought it was a creepy crawly and freaked out and jumped up knocking a cup of coffee all over my notes) as soon as I find out more details I will give credit ..  I only remember that this cute snowman was designed by a lady who lives on the sunshine coast in Queensland..She is so clever it's the nicest snowman I have seen...if anyone knows her name please let me know. This one is for my daughter Haley
footnote...I found the name..its Rochelle Hopkinson..I have no idea how to do a link, sorry (Computer stuff is NOT my forte)

I do remember who designed this cute little penguin as it was my upline Angie Brown and she would kill me if I forgot lol..this is for my daughter Jodie
I made this for my mother -in - law as the big open mouth looked familiar (only kidding Lizzie..yikes!) It was designed by Jackie Topa...such a clever lady...I didn't have all the punches I needed for this one so my handcut ovals look a bit naff!
I has so much fun doing all that punch art I decided..buggar it!! I am going to have a go at making one I came up with this xmas fairy/ angel based on the design of the wrapping paper in which I wrapped my grand daughters Xmas presents..I tried to make a halo but it looked blah! so I just put a bling flower in her hair. All Stampin' Up! punches-scallop circle for the dress, word window for legs shoes and arms, butterfly punch for wings, 1 inch circle for head and hair and a smaller one for her bun...This one will go to my daughter Ebony. And now the fun is over because my house looks like a cyclone has passed through so me thinks I need to clean!


  1. i love the fairy one the best..thanks bev!!!

  2. Bev these are lovely.

  3. wow so beautiful you design it..i would like to keep it in mind and design Gift Card envelopes that look like that.


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