
Mar 8, 2011

Butterfly Prints

This is a case from the idea book and catalogue. A lot of the products I have used are retitred but this was one of the cards we made for my new favourite charity Angels for the Forgotten If you get the chance please have a look at the link, it's such a marvellous cause. My stamping group had a charity card making day last Saturday and although we only had four ladies we managed to make 200 cards to donate for the foster children. I would like to thank Christine W who helped me prepare all the kits the week before and brought along sausages for a sausage sizzle on the day...thanks Christine I couldn't have done it without you...also thanks so much to Brooke, Katrina (who travelled all the way from NSW to help), my little mate Emily and my daughter Ebony who popped in towards the end to lend a hand..THANKYOU SO SO MUCH!
I would also like to thank all the generous ladies who come to my classes each just under two weeks we have collected four boxes of beautiful supplies for the Angels for the Forgotten...beautiful baby clothes, colouring books, crayons, toiletries...the list goes on...I don't want to take a photo just yet, I will wait till the end of the month to show you all the lovely things...i must also take a picture of all the lovely cards we made..note to self...charge the camera battery
I managed to get a photo of Miss Emily and Katrina before my battery died!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous thing to do. Congratulations on making a difference.


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