
Apr 9, 2011

Angels For The Forgotten

I first heard about this charity when my niece Bec put a link on Facebook. I went over and had a look and thought maybe our stamp club could do something to help. For those who don't know Angels For The Forgotten are dedicated to making a real and tangible impact in the lives of the thousands of children who live in out-of-home care or crisis accommodation each year, through provision of special care packages, resources, information, services and support. Please take a look here
I contacted Melina Skidmore who is their CEO, to ask if they would like some home made cards for the kids and she said yes that is how our little collection started. Stampin" Up! kindly donated supplies and we had a charity card making day. Unfortunately I chose a lousy day as most of my class ladies had things to do on that day (it was short notice) but our small group still managed to make over 200 cards on that day...thankyou to Katrina who travelled all the way from NSW  to come and help, Christine, who also spent many hours helping me prepare card packs, Brooke, Emily and my daughter Ebony who helped out in the afternoon...thankyou so much ladies, the cards are beautiful...and here they are

I will arrange another card making day when time permits. We also set up a collection point for if any of my class ladies would like to donate some items for the care packages...wowsers..I never expected such generosity...we only have around 25 in our group so to receive so many items in such a short time just astounds me. Thankyou to each and every one of those who brought along items, to a certain few shop a holics (won't mention names, you know who you are), to family members who also donated items, to my sister in law Nic who sewed a box full of little skirts and shorts, to Joan who made beautiful drawstring bags, to my brother who sacrificed all the toys he won in skilltester machines (lol, he's nearly 60 but it was hard to let go!) to the ladies who have knitted and will be knitting for future donations, to my daughter Jodie who is arranging delivery of the goods and to Cindy and the girls at Kaisercraft Robina who held their own charity card making day...thankyou thankyou thankyou. !!! Below are a few pictures of other donated items

Art, craft and school supplies..colouring books, sketch books, crayons, pencils, felt pens, diaries, glue sticks, stickers, glitter etc

toiletries and personal hygeine products...toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, roll on deoderants, sanitary items, brushes, combs, hair ties, pocket tissues etc

new clothing...sox, jox, pajamas, hand made skirts and shorts, singlets, slippers, tea shirts, thongs (that's flip flops if you are from overseas lol)
Teddies and cuddly toys...sooo cute!
baby items...bottles, dummies, sippy cups...the CUTEST Pumpkin Patch outfits, hand knitted jumpers, creams, lotions, wipes etc
Drawstring bags...Joan made all of these..the charity needs these on an ongoing basis so if you are a sewer, 40 cm x 40 cm or 20 cm x 20 cm..they pack the care packages in them
I will be packing this stuff up next week and sending it on its way but will continue to collect...once again if you would like to help this worthwhile cause click on the link above...thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am just a stranger but would like to thank you for the incredible work you and your ladies have done. It breaks my heart when I often think about kids in care let alone special needs kids in care who are so often forgotten about and go without so much other kids take for granted. This is beautiful what you have done, thankyou.


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